Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quotes Leadership Assessment

One of the best books on leadership is Good to Great by Jim Collins. Collins researched a number of companies that were able to sustain outstanding growth over a period of 15 years while their competitors grew moderately, stayed flat, or lost money.

In all cases, the CEOs of those companies were men with humility and small egos who put the organization’s needs above their own. They took the blame when things went wrong and gave credit to others when things went right. Collins calls these men "Level 5" leaders, who have mastered the art of leadership.

Dr. Jeffrey Graves, former President and CEO of KEMET Electronics Corporation, offers the following on  Apply ‘facilitative leadership’ skills to draw ideas from the team and evolve them into a sound strategy/plan with ownership from the team. Drive ‘execution’ relentlessly, every day…a clear and logical plan with a few key metrics that measure success. Identify, train, coach/mentor, and reward your top talent…they are the cornerstone of your future."

Management Leadership Quotes

The first woman ever to lead a democratic power, this Indian prime minister was born in 1917. Politics surrounded her from her early childhood days and India's freedom movement became a backdrop for her further inclination to the field. Her constant interaction with national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and her own father Jawaharlal Nehru, saw her interest in politics rise to a crescendo.

Yet it was this characteristic approach of being a 'Woman of steel' that led to her murder. In the throes of national uproar and the demand for a separate state by the Sikh community, she ordered for the shootout of terrorists in the holy 'Golden Temple', something that was taken as an insult by the Sikh community, and it was this negative sentiment that led to her being shot to death by her two Sikh bodyguards in 1984, outside her home.

Women In Leadership

The history of women in leadership roles always speaks of struggle and hard work, this one's no different - Queen Elizabeth I is made of the stuff that a good novel's protagonist is made of. Growing up in the Tudor dynasty, with the murder of her mother at an early age and her father's death soon after, plots being etched against her by her half sister, being imprisoned and almost executed, the Virgin Queen (as she is popularly known as) rose to the throne on November 17th 1558.

Her rule bestowed upon England its golden era and saw it rise in fame and money. Her intelligence, wit, determination and courage made it possible for her to turn England from a small insignificant country to a super power, a force to be reckoned with. Her reign was termed the 'Elizabethan Age' for it being the absolute pinnacle of literary celebration and producing literary scholars like William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser, Ben Jonson and others.

Leadership Development Quotes

Leadership can be explained as the skill of motivating a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. The leader is a director of the action and a source of inspiration. He/she should have a combination of impressive personality and communication skills that can make others follow certain principles.

Leadership skills are a key to progress and success in personal and profession life. Leadership is nothing but inspiring and enthusing the followers with a desire to achieve goals. It’s all about raising the confidence of the followers. There are several famous quotes about leadership that reflect the knowledge and wisdom of the great people. These leadership quotes are truly meaningful and they can motivate and inspire you to work hard to achieve your aim.

What Is Leadership

Before we start with understanding how closely leadership and development are inter-related, it is imperative that we answer what is leadership. It is easy to look up the web or a dictionary for a leadership definition but understanding and truly grasping the leadership traits is something that is a slow but rewarding process. In layman's terms, leadership can be summed up as the courage to lead and the humility to help others lead.

There is a vast difference in the various leadership styles. There is one leadership style which is completely military like, another is just the opposite and a lot less intimidating. These are some basic yet effective leadership styles which will help you understand what is leadership. The autocratic leadership style is old school. This is the military type of style with a touch of dictatorship that was mentioned earlier.

Leadership Training Institute

Throughout time, great leaders have always had vision. Vision is one of the most important elements to being a champion. The Ancient Writer states it this way, "Where there is no vision, the people perish…." Vision keeps us on track. It even shows us where the track is. So, if vision is so important to success and happiness then where do we get it?

I believe that there are two elements we have to keep in mind if we are to be successful with our leadership vision. One, the vision needs to be a challenging vision to stretch you and your team (REMEMBER: In order to reach your vision, you are going to need to get people on board with it which means you have to lead them.follow them.

When I think about a leader with a challenging vision, I think of President John F. Kennedy. In 1961, he stood before the nation and said, "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.

Definition Of Leadership

This article attempts to define leadership. Why? Because 'what is leadership' is a question I get asked often. When you understand the definition of leadership, you will understand why leadership is everything.

In this article, I will consider several definition of leadership and how it plays out in practice. Let's begin with the simplest definition.

So, what is leadership?

Leadership is the ability to command acceptance by a group of people and thus, get them to do what the leader wants. The person providing this direction and commanding acceptance is called the leader.

However, you probably are aware that a leader can be imposed on a group of people against their will. For example, a military coup can bring a leader to power. This leader was not voted for or accepted by his people. But he ascended the leadership seat by virtue of military might or military intrigues.

Obviously, this indicates that our definition of leadership above is not all-inclusive. Something is missing. So, let's define leadership again.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the ability to provide direction to a group of people and influence those people to follow the direction and act accordingly.

This seems like a better definition. But it still does not take into cognizance the fact that a leader may not necessarily influence his people in the accepted sense of the word.

Bad Leadership Quotes

Being single may not always be a bad thing. Break-ups hurt us all, but at some level, you might even be relieved for getting away from a manipulative or an abusive relationship. So I guess it is better to be single than to be with someone you don't even like! But if you lack social skills, then you need to know more about 'being single' quotes. So here are some being single quotes for all!"I don't need a man to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we'll ever have is the one with ourselves."
- Shirley MacLaine

"Don’t cry for a man who’s left you, the next one may fall for your smile."
- Mae West

"It takes half the amount of time you dated someone to get over them."
- Sex and the City

"My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil."
- Anonymous

Business Leadership Quotes

It is said, great leaders are not born, but are made. With enough willpower and desire, as well as a ceaseless process of self-study, experience, training, and education, good leadership qualities can be developed. As Warren G. Bennis says: "The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born - that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not.

Leadership quotes are words spoken by men and women who have been there, seen what it is all about, and thus they can be a great source of inspiration to us. Given below are some of the most profound leadership quotes that portray the wisdom of some of the greatest minds in the world.

Christian Leadership Quotes

While you may imagine a leader to be a strong personality who remains unmoved in the toughest of situations and can think clearly and calmly to provide the best decision, sometimes even a leader needs inspiration. And what better place to find this inspiration than in the Bible versus?

The quote mentioned above is one of the most popular leadership quotes from the Bible. It clearly explains what the Bible says about leadership. No matter what you read about leadership in the Bible, you will find that all of them reflect certain leadership qualitiesthat a leader should possess. These include humility, logic, analysis, compassion, empathy, righteousness, and considerate behavior. Only power does not make a leader.

Women Leadership Quotes

Leadership does not come to all, it is a gift that is inborn or developed. Leaders are marked by specific qualities like courage, decision making, having strong views, etc. Leaders are no doubt charismatic, having a strong presence and personality. Along with men, there have been many women leaders who who have been equally successful as their male counterparts.

What you think, leaders are born or made of? Some of the world famous leaders were endowed with leadership qualities and others learned and acquired them to make people follow them. But, what is common to both of them is passion, dedication, and commitment for the cause they stood for. This article provides you with some great leadership quotes by famous people that would intensify your passion even more.

Sports Leadership Quotes

While I was growing up I liked to play outdoor games. Luckily for my friends and me, our homes were situated near a school that had a big field. In my 15 years of being born and brought up in this particular locality, I never had as much fun as the last 5. Every evening, we used to get on to our bicycles and go off to the field with our skates, skipping ropes, badminton and table tennis racquets.

The d-day finally dawned and my friends, neighbors and relatives cheered me on. I did not win any medal that day but we still celebrated, because I had grown out of my shell and participated in a sports event (Mom's words). At the end of the day the only thing my parents told me was "Life isn't about winning, it is how you play the game." I still love sports and can spend an entire day glued to the television watching a cricket or lawn tennis match.

Inspirational Leadership Quotes

What you think, leaders are born or made of? Some of the world famous leaders were endowed with leadership qualities and others learned and acquired them to make people follow them. But, what is common to both of them is passion, dedication, and commitment for the cause they stood for. This article provides you with some great leadership quotes by famous people that would intensify your passion even more.

You may have noticed that there are hardly any quotes by women. Well, male chauvinism ruled the history since women leadership was never accepted by the society in large but it does not mean there were no women leaders. They were there and they made their presence felt and stood rock solid for what they truly believed in. And many of them have their own takes on leadership that they have summed up in quotes.

Great Leadership Quotes

What you think, leaders are born or made of? Some of the world famous leaders were endowed with leadership qualities and others learned and acquired them to make people follow them. But, what is common to both of them is passion, dedication, and commitment for the cause they stood for. This article provides you with some great leadership quotes by famous people that would intensify your passion even more.

You may have noticed that there are hardly any quotes by women. Well, male chauvinism ruled the history since women leadership was never accepted by the society in large but it does not mean there were no women leaders. They were there and they made their presence felt and stood rock solid for what they truly believed in.

Funny Leadership Quotes

Leadership is about getting work done. Leadership is about being prepared to bear the brunt of any negative feedback and consequences that may arise. It is about putting your team before you. Making sure that you pay attention to the needs and requirements of the team. It involves ensuring that whatever work is assigned to you is properly divided and that it gets done within the time allotted. But that does not mean that just because you are a leader, it's all work and no play.

Sure you need to have all the leadership qualities that are expected of you, but you can still infuse a little humor in your daily life. How? Well, for starters you can use some funny leadership quotes by famous people mentioned in this Buzzle article. Paste them on walls, write one on the notice board everyday, update your Facebook status with it. Use these great leadership quotes as you like them. You'll feel good about being a leader because it will take all the tension away from your mind, at least temporarily.

Servant Leadership Quotes

Looking for an inspirational leadership quote? An ancient leadership quote from great thinkers from history: Aristotle, Socrates, Lao-Tzu or Plato?How about a leadership quote from a modern day leadership guru: Tom Peters, Peter Drucker, Stephen Covey, Warren Bennis or Jack Welch?

This is a fabulous collection from Woody Allen to Winston Churchill or Walt Disney to Warren Bennis - there will be a leadership quote that is right for you.Leadership is not so much about technique and methods as it is about opening the heart. Leadership is about inspiration—of oneself and of others. Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not a routine.

Military Leadership Quotes

Dwight D. Eisenhower is notable not only for his work on the battlefront, but also for his zealous quotes that inspired millions. You can read quotes from famous military leaders on this page.Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.There is nothing inevitable about military victory, even for forces of apparently overwhelming strength. 

The Greeks at Marathon, Alexander against the Persian Empire, the success of the colonists against the British in the American Revolution, Napoleon over the Austrians in Italy... all offer dramatic evidence to the contrary. In the absence of inspired military leadership... the more powerful side wears down the weaker.There's nothing like quotes to get you motivated and moving, striving to be the best that you can be. Great leaders don't just lead; they bring out the best in everybody else too.

Famous Leadership Quotes

Leadership quotations can be a powerful part of your personal leadership development plan. Taking a few quotes from people you admire and spending some time, deeply thinking about the quotes, can help you better understand the mindset behind the leader.Over the course of a year, you can cover a number of leadership quotes and develop a much better understanding of the person behind the quote and how their perspective applies to your leadership style.

The colonel’s leadership quote shows that leadership needs to be focused on what it accomplishes instead of just being leadership for leadership’s sake.Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics, like integrity, dedication of purpose, selflessness, knowledge, skill, implacability, as well as determination not to accept failure.