Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funny Leadership Quotes

Leadership is about getting work done. Leadership is about being prepared to bear the brunt of any negative feedback and consequences that may arise. It is about putting your team before you. Making sure that you pay attention to the needs and requirements of the team. It involves ensuring that whatever work is assigned to you is properly divided and that it gets done within the time allotted. But that does not mean that just because you are a leader, it's all work and no play.

Sure you need to have all the leadership qualities that are expected of you, but you can still infuse a little humor in your daily life. How? Well, for starters you can use some funny leadership quotes by famous people mentioned in this Buzzle article. Paste them on walls, write one on the notice board everyday, update your Facebook status with it. Use these great leadership quotes as you like them. You'll feel good about being a leader because it will take all the tension away from your mind, at least temporarily.

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